Dyskusja o sytuacji na świecie 200

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Yes, I had a statement that we were supposed to discuss it on Friday [the 15th if I remember well].
It was a difficult decision to make with you, because we are right in the middle of each other. So we could not answer and decide immediately.
I am trying to look back a million in a letter if there is one there, or in discord writing. If I have it, I'll show it to you right away.

But I won't hurt @Lurek , I guess he's a nice guy :D
Does Lurek sleep at night? :D
@Lurek never sleeps, but he's probably waiting for the next attacks, just like @Dromq94 , to save his ass again


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oo kto by pomyslal xD
srednia placa w PL to 7 tysiecy

no niestety mialem gorszy rok finansowy ale spokojna wasza rozczochrana w przyszlym roku podatkowym wyciagne spokojnie 2x wiecej...xD
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